Medium Writer Mistreated as a Child
More prominent people opened up about reasons for poor performance
More prominent people opened up about reasons for poor performance
Spring is the time of self-aggrandizement.
We have large ceremonies around the world. We have galas, many televised with shrinking, but still massive audiences of hero-worshippers.
And here I am again, catching just enough of one to get aggravated.
It is also the time and the atmosphere of the photo-op, Andy’s 15 minutes of fame.
Moreover, it seems the vogue thing to do currently is to take your 15 minutes to slobber and cry to us about how hard you have had it.
So here I am again being Mr. Insensitive, but that behavior has lost its edge with me. Sure, some things are/were terrible and need to be addressed. They should be corrected when possible. but some problems are not as serious as others.
One person was bullied by his girlfriend in elementary school.
One fellow remarked how terrible it was he was raised poor.
I repeat the saying, “money doesn't buy happiness, but I would be ok being known as the melancholy boy with the red Dino.”
I, myself, have a bit of a medical problem that gives me huge difficulties every day, but I have not spoken about it here before and probably will not do so in the future. I am not happy or proud of it, and I would never use it as an excuse for why my stories are so bad and my reads so low.
The fact is we may all be on the old struggle bus in one way or another.
Instead of using that as an excuse for bad performance, I choose to use it as an inspiration toward working harder and triumphing, not building sympathy.
A long time ago, someone said to me, “life is tough — breathe, breathe, breathe.” Either give up or get going.
Thank you for your time.
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