Let's talk about my dirty dozen goals…
I am so proud to have gotten past my 200th story.
I know some of them may have been kind of weak, but I won't call any names. I won't even make “get better at writing” a goal for this next period. I’ll just keep it in the back of my mind.
There are, however, twelve specific things I wish to address and hopefully accomplish.
I will work on my titles/headlines to make them draw more readers' attention.
I will polish my short-form format but use it less. I will find out if a CTA really is part of the word count.
I will try to diversify my topics a bit. I will try not to dwell so much on how impressed I was at my sixth-grade teacher's mustache and how she inspired me to go on to have a full beard by the time I was in junior high school.
I will try to cut back to one or two stories a day unless I have some mental or emotional event leading to extended holidays at the ward. Then I may have to step it back up.
I will try to earn enough to replace several iffy boards on my deck and obtain some trendy, used-car-lot lighting for it.
I will be consistent in writing my two stories daily, even on Saturday, with only Sunday being a day of rest. And yard work. And recovery from yard work.
I will not hover over my stats page, continually refreshing it and hoping for the different outcomes.
I will write less about what you need to do and more about what I have done and how it worked out for me, (except for my sixth-grade teacher.)
I will treat my writing as though the time I tried to learn how to square dance never happened.
I will cut way back on using foul language, compromising photos, and political discourse.
I will be more patient with publications, the editors of which have a lot of other stories to read. I will constantly remind myself “I am not the only one…”
I will be more patient with algorithms. I will try to get to know a couple. Chat with them. Maybe grab lunch sometime.
Anyway, I am looking forward to some increasing productivity and less stress during this coming journalistic period.
And, as usual, I thank you for your time and your patience!
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