In an earlier story, I made comments that, when put formulaically, would probably say #S x #F = #R = $, where the number of stories you have published, multiplied by the number of followers you have, equals the number of reads you get (money).
So I decided that the best use of my efforts would be to both write more articles and gather more followers. I thought it would help crystalize my thinking to look at each of these individually.
In my last story, we looked at what I think about writing more stories.
Today we will think about adding more followers.
Your number of followers is a vanity metric, of course, but on a larger scale, even though only a small percentage will be made aware of your new stories, the larger the number of followers we start with, the larger the number of followers who get advised of our stories.
We cannot even measure exactly what percentage of our followers get a notice, so we certainly cannot change the percentage in any readily predictable manner.
Vague Rule 1 — If we add followers, we will probably increase the number of followers who learn whenever we have published a new story.
How can we get more eyes on our stories?
First 100 followers — We are driven. We will beg and grovel. We may offer to trade others with others who want that first 100. We are very motivated.
After the first 100 — We are a little less motivated until we recognize that the harmony of our writing and our readers is the only way to create the symphony we want to hear.
We have at least three approaches to a potential follower.
FRONT DOOR — You need to write good stuff, stuff people want to read, things that provide a reader either information or enjoyment. It helps, especially early, to publish your work in bigger publications. Big publications, of course, get in front of more eyes. They will find you.
BACK DOOR — Read stories. Comment. Compliment. Give each story no fewer than 50 claps. Put the stories on your reading list. Follow the writer. Many will follow you back.
SIDE DOOR — Follow writers daily. There is a maximum number Medium will let you follow each day. I think it’s 100 or 120 at this time. It’s like sideswiping another car. Hit and run. Chose an area you enjoy reading or writing in, and follow any of those writers there. Click on the clapping hands icon and you will see the list of readers who clapped for that story. Then follow some of those clapping readers. Only about 20–25% will follow back.
Writers go through different levels of motivation.
One group is better motivated. The first 100 group feels desperate. The 100 to 500 group is good, they still want more. The 500 to 1000 group is still a well-motivated group. The 1001 to 3000 group is still appreciative and motivated. Those above 3000 almost know what they are doing.
Keep Them
It was a while before I figured out how to communicate and still don’t know all about how it can be done. I intend to continue learning because it is so important.
The bell icon on the left side, or at the top of your page, or the little speech balloon icon under your story will get you to a screen where you can do anything from clapping to commenting on the readers’ comments.
Remember, it’s the readers who put you where you are, and can keep you there. They are gold. Thank them. Talk with them. The more special you can make them feel, the more likely they will stay with you. And when you realize it, it’s no act- you are truly fortunate for each one there with you.
Build your followers into the hundreds and on into the thousands. Soon you will become more self-sustaining. You and your followers together, that is.
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my quick PDF intro guide on how to become a Big-Time Writer.
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