Leave your Crappy Sense of Humor at Home.
I finally found a story to teach me to write better, so I tried it.
We don’t need it around here.
We got no place for it.
If you want to make some serious lucre on Medium, here’s the process.
1. Lose the Smile.
“You have your title, your subtitle, your picture, and your picture credit. Did I say smiley face anywhere there?”
I must admit, he was right. No “insert humor here” in format.
So to do this right, I put a picture of a superhero in the picture spot. A serious picture of superman. Perfect.
2. Make your story 1000 words long.
It seems most of my stories run shorter than that. So I went looking for my stories that got close to 1000 words, just to get into a loquacious frame of mind.
I grabbed one and it was about texting, so I thought I would do a follow-up on that story.