Journal Entry
Sat, May 6, 2023
Today is Saturday.
Next week, I will be out of town for a little while, so I need to get a lot done today.
Nashville is a happening kind of place these days.
Janet Jackson. Three sold-out nights of T. Swift concerts in our (Titans) pro-football stadium. People from all corners of the earth.
We had to turn down the folks from Great Britain who had wanted to have some coronation here. Just don’t have space this weekend. We can give you a great rate on Wednesday or Thursday.
More real soon. give me an hour or so to nap.
Goal-setting always makes me queasy.
It’s so up-in-the-air.
I often like outcomes to be more pre-determined. Less stressful.
That hatred for goal-setting, plus the outrageous prices, are why I don’t go to many Titan games, although. in retrospect, Titan games are more pre-determined than I’m giving them credit.
To us, draft day means we get a couple of decent players and then trade them off for the IRS covid tax credit and a handful of Arby’s coupons. “Who’s got the meats?”
Plus, the new Titan team has a new album about to drop in August. This IS Nashville.
We are progressing on the wonderful new domed stadium.
I hear we’re going to put a Buc-ee’s where the old stadium stood, to help offset some expenses. Everybody loves Buc-ee’s.
3:00pm. Incidentally, this book is yours free with your subscription to this storyteller site.
I said it can be yours. I didn’t say it was that good.
Ditto for “I HEART MARTIN.”