JOURNAL 1-23-25
Celebrate your small successes
This morning, I woke up and put my right leg out of bed and my right foot on the floor. I then went on to do the same with my left leg and foot. I sat up on the side of the bed and thanked God.
Of course, this activity is something that most people don’t think twice about when they do it.
But a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t do that. a couple of weeks ago, trying to come home from the hospital, I couldn’t quite make it into the house from Peggy’s car, but instead crumpled down to an unmercifully cold concrete drive and had to sit there until we could summon the EMTs to help me up and into my house.
Now, I am thankful for the steps I take and count them as small successes. My goal was not to walk a mile but to walk a few steps.
A couple of years ago I started writing on Medium. First I imagined what it would be like to write a hundred stories. then I read a story by someone who had written 250 stories and made money so I was tickled when I hit my own 250 mark. The same thing happened with me at the 500, 750, and 1000 story points. No point made me rich, but they were each successes.
I will never tell you if you write X stories, you will make Y dollars, but if I had started out aiming for the number I have written now, I’m not sure I would have made it. And I surely would not have made the money I have today.
The sum of my small successes equals my larger success every time, so enjoy the small successes. They are like children. They won’t stay small long.
⭐They come to see the elephants, but they stay because they fall in love with the monkeys. Please click to become a “beta reader” for free advance books.