It seems we Medium writers fall into two categories.
The Pros From Dover
I will not pretend to tell you what I would do, offer you any suggestions, or make any comments on your weekend practices. I am in awe of what you do, maybe jealous at some level. Just pretend I don’t exist.
The Fairly New
Then there are the fairly new at this, or not completely happy with my results yet writers. That includes me. On a good day. If I’m lucky.
The question that keeps coming up is about what we do on the weekends when medium readers are doing other things rather than sitting in their work cubicles pretending to crank out reports, but actually reading Medium articles.
I understand that readership falls off when we’re not trying to fool Mr. Dithers.
But what do we new writers do on the weekend?
The perky one with all the top writer awards and the Youtube channel that brings in more money than the GNP of several smaller countries suggests we do three things.
Read other writers’ stuff on medium.
Research your next articles.
Write and save as many quality stories as you are able for release during the coming week.
Good and productive plans.
Is that what I do?
No. I mean, I wish I did, and I’d be willing to bet that’s a smart thing to do, but like most other smart things to do, I probably won’t end up doing it that way.
I will probably hang out down at my profile page with the Captain and some Lucky(s), rambling on about the good old days.
A couple of us writers will get into a technical discussion at some point that will result in injuries around the eating and breathing organs of one or both. A couple more of us will hang around to help what’s-her-name close the place.
The only eventual writing that gets done will be on cocktail napkins and tossed in the trash by a server, not realizing the importance of the manuscripts.
The rest of the weekend will probably be a blur of TV football games trying to get played during the short playoff period.
So Monday will eventually arrive and find us again at our blurry keyboards, with no stories in the can, on the hard drive, but again scrambling to jump out of the real-life and into the real-life stories we create.
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