It's Hard to Ignore the Fact that it's Thursday (BTWriter Club 🔒)
THURSDAY WRITING TIPS-Back Pages Journal with the Accidental Author
1.belief in or advocacy of change by degrees; gradualism.
Incrementalism is a method of working by adding to a project using many small incremental changes instead of a few (extensively planned) large jumps. Logical incrementalism implies that the steps in the process are sensible. Logical incrementalism focuses on "the Power-Behavioral Approach to planning rather than to the Formal Systems Planning Approach". Wikipedia
How do you Eat an Elephant?
Ten minutes at a time.
Those of you who are regular readers may recall that I wrote my first book in a manner like I got my real estate license. I wanted to accomplish a particular thing, even though most of my time was being consumed by something else.
I was working in what many of you call the corporate world, and, at my lunch break, I would go out to my Jeep, eat my sandwich, and spend my last 10 or 15 minutes studying a list of facts, provided by someone else, that I would need to know in order to pass the real estate exams. A little effort, but every day.
Then, after I was in the self-employed world when I was asked by a customer if I had my ideas in book form, I used the same technique to write my first book. A little every day at lunch.
You would be amazed how those lunch breaks of productivity add up.
This is why I am the accidental author. To be an intentional author, and write a book, was so overwhelming to think about, I would never start. To spend ten minutes at lunch was, at least doable.
By now, I have written nearly thirty books, and am finishing up the latest one called the Ten-Minute Book, in which I expand on that theory, and add more painless tweaks and hacks to help new writers or wannabe writers bridge the gap between wishful thinking and concrete achievement.