Has the bubble burst?
A lot of people have been watching the real estate explosion in this country over the past year or so. Houses have been selling at a breakneck pace. Sometimes it seems as though they don’t have time to even get listed on the multiple listing service before there is a contract on them.
This has caused a lot of people did were just thinking about selling their house, to go ahead and put it on the market to get it sold. Soon buyers were going crazy consuming the inventory. People that were going to move sometime within the next five years, went ahead and put their houses on the market to take advantage of all of this activity.
You CAN get what you want
Sellers began receiving everything they asked for price-wise and more. Prices being asked seemed very high, but many times, the houses not only sold for higher prices, but they also sold for even more than the asking prices. It seems there was a bit of a buying frenzy, and that worked to many people’s advantage.
Many people watched the real estate industry, and as usual, thought the phenomenon would not last very long. They thought it was a fleeting fancy and would soon disappear.
Months went by, and the phenomenon did not disappear. People began to wonder if they should sell their own house. In fact, perhaps they should buy an extra house or two to sell. But of course, that involved actually buying a house, probably at an inflated price, a situation that makes it hard to turn a profit. So many settlers began being left out of the more speculative end of the market.
Nice work if you can get it
A lot of people began to realize that they should have an occupation involving real estate. A lot of people became bored with their normal job., and decided they should sell real estate.
Now, in order to sell real estate, one has to go through pre-licensing educational courses and take a licensing exam. There is a fairly long period of time involved to get a real estate license, so it’s not a matter of deciding to do it and then just doing it.
We are starting to see the results now, of all those people who have decided to take up selling real estate. They are leaving this position and that position and making announcements that they are going into real estate.
In order to catch up with any share of the market, some of them are having to start advertising extensively in an effort to gain customers. So, in many ways, the big occupation shift into real estate is profitable on several levels. This profits real estate educators and accompanying industries, as well as radio, TV, and other forms of media that sell advertising.
But the ultimate question is, “Is it too late for Real Estate?”
That answer depends on your perspective. Like most fads, the best time to take up a fad is more toward the beginning of the fad.
The housing market seems to be more than just a fad.
It has brought new life into the real estate sales profession. It has brought new life into the closing and title industry. It has brought new life to inspection companies and photography companies.
All of these accompanying Industries are doing very well at the present time. They will continue to do well as long as we have the current level of activity. The problem lies with a possible lessening of activity.
Housing inventory has run low in many places. The cost of building a house has become exorbitant in some places. The cost of a lumber package to start a new house is probably keeping many small builders out of the market. Some who live by the sword must die by the sword.
Maybe not too late
So overall, it may not be too late for real estate. I am in no way predicting a crash in real estate sales and values. Many people are predicting a smaller margin of profit, whether for builders or for real estate salespeople.
If it’s not too late for real estate, it may be a little too late to make a killing in real estate.
If you’re planning to sell your house in the next two to five years, this might be a good time to accelerate your plans. Step up your process if you can. Sell your house a year early if you are comfortable enough doing that.
If you were planning to get your real estate license by going to night classes this winter or next spring, ask yourself if you could make that happen more quickly. Sometimes night classes take several weeks to complete when concentrated all-day classes would take only a week or two to complete.
Right now, the house you own is worth a whole lot more than you thought it would be a couple of years ago. Right now, you could probably make a whole lot more money at real estate than you ever thought you could.
So the answer is — it’s not too late in real estate to do anything involved with real estate right now. That might change tomorrow. That I change over the Christmas holidays. We never know when it’s going to change, but the industry does not reflect a worry that it is about to tumble into the ditch.
In fact, it is still a fine time to sell your house with an agent or for-sale-by-owner. Surf this website, and explore the possibilities. It is a job. It’s not easy. But it can be very profitable, especially right now.
Final words
I recommend several steps that I’ve outlined on this website before you put your house on the market, and of course, I personally recommend that you put your house in the MLS through what is called an MLS entry-only listing.
You will have to do all the work showing the house and doing the negotiation, but you may find it enjoyable, and I promise you will find it money-saving. HERE or HERE you can find a little more information on “MLS entry-only listings.” Thank you for your time. This info was previously printed on one of my blogs.
You can find Don hanging out at his websites about real estate or writing. He’s an analog cowboy in a digital world. Join him Running with a rough crowd down on Writer Squeezin’s Ranch, or join his Real Estate Success Club.
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