William Golding. F. Scott Fitzgerald. George Orwell.
My high school teachers made me read them.
I immediately wanted to be one of them.
Yes, I shared my desire to be in the Beatles with a new desire to be a writer.
Most of my writings and some of my other media creations are the stories of my evolution into the world of writing.
My journey took me way too long, with some “life” happening to me during the trip.
Plus, I discovered I had an indomitable sense of humor.
Now, I write a lot about my progress from wannabe to big-time writer.
Now, I write a lot about my progress from wannabe to big-time writer.
If you too, find yourself in the position of wanting to be a writer, I can show you some of the stuff I went through, and still going through. I will show you my evolution into a writer-type.
It’s not a comedy, but there is some humor. OK, there is a good bit of humor.
Click HERE! “Get started being a writer and making some money at it.” (Anybody can write on a bathroom wall for free.)
Now in the interest of the theory of “the best surprise is NO surprise,” I’ve got to tell you what you are going to find there.
Your click will take you to a new screen. Don’t be afraid.
Put your email address in the rectangle and subscribe. You’ll get a hello note with a link on it to click for your guide. It’s just a stupid pdf. And only about a half dozen pages long at this point, but it’s a condensation of what I have learned about the FASTEST WAY TO GET PUBLISHED FOR MONEY. In the process, you will be subscribed to my ongoing newsletter a bit later.
I will also work with you to get your article/stories written
I will also work with you to get your article/stories written, and give you a guaranteed place to be published. Quickly.
You will be subscribed to my personal newsletter, but more importantly, you will be subscribed to the BTW Club part too, the place for the big-time writer stuff.
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my PDF guide on how to become a Big-Time Writer.
📌 Find more of my Stories and Back Pages here…
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