December 23, 2021
I am a writer and a real estate broker. I enjoy both fields, run websites for both areas of interest, write books, and try to help people in both areas.
A “Top Gun Writer” on Medium, and editor of D I Y Dollar $, my writing (listed by topic) includes real estate, humor, writing, life lessons, marketing, light humor (in progress, please check back frequently. And yes, I may have mentioned humor twice, but I am taking counseling for that…) I get to wear a cape sometimes. My superpower is my ability to save people stacks and stacks of money, teaching them more self-sufficiency all the while! (My “Top Gun Writer” status is based more on my appearance than my talent, but I am in pursuit of “Top Writer” status currently.)
I am also the editor of Writer Squeezin’s.
My real estate website. My writer’s website. You could run with a rough crowd of writers, or join the real estate success club. In fact, the very BEST thing you could do is to bust on over HERE and I’d be happy to send you a note whenever I publish one of these “stories.” Don’t miss out!
My Twitter account: C’mon, get with us…
My Shop: Free and cheap Don Martin books…
Buy me some paint: Tips if you ever feel so led…
LIKES: Romantic, moon-lit walks on the beach… DISLIKES: People calling me “Doofus.” IN TREATMENT FOR: EHS (Excess Humor Syndrome, but finally seeing the dim, grey light at the end of the tunnel.)
I love Medium because I can write about even my grandmother’s cat here if I want to. A couple of my fairly popular stories here are:
Four Mistakes I Used to Make as a Writer Wannabe,
Feeling Important in Relationships,
Are you a Planner or a Pantser? and
When is the KickOff for Sunday’s Pro-Bowl?
How about “never?”
The Press Pulls a Tom Brady on Punxsutawney Phil
Rumors of his death were “misinformation!”
Spring Break for New Stories
Even Stories Get Tired of
My Sense of Humor Defined
Is that some kind of joke?
I am Don Martin, and this is my Profile
December 23,
I write for three publications here, and although I am really just getting started, I am always open to collaboration. I often write under the subject tags of Life Lessons, Writing, Humor, Goals, Marketing, and Psychology.
I sometimes write under the pseudonym of “Doofus.”
I always enjoy and benefit from writer/editors like Robert Ralph, Kristina God, Sally Prag, Winston, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles and more!
You can often find Don hanging out at his websites about real estate or writing. He’s an analog cowboy in a digital world. Join him Running with a rough crowd down on Writer Squeezin’s Ranch HERE. Or join his Real Estate Success Club.
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