I could just kiss you!
Tourist’s Corner
It is joyous that on lower Broad, the heart of our Cryin’-In-Our-Beer district, this week was the birthday of Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge, a backstage area where fans and stars have gathered for decades to cry in each other’s beer (pre-covid) because it’s right beside the Ryman Auditorium.
Celebrants by the hundreds spilled over into the streets for a few blocks, swinging guitars and erecting more stages with even more music. This was not a riot or insurrection, it was a birthday party, just to be clear.
The Ryman was where the Grand Old Opry was held forever until it moved to a more affluent part of town, where a larger auditorium gave the opportunity to sell more (and costlier) tickets. Now we all cry in our cabernet or our sparkling water.
The new auditorium was also situated where they could build a huge hotel and a fun amusement park.
The sleeping part has flourished, while the fun part went sneakers-up a few years ago.
MORE… https://medium.com/illumination/hump-day-humor-a3207d4c931f?sk=a86e3e7699aa682dc09b4fd2e317306e