How to Write for Money
Maybe even make a living at it.
Some people do.
Some people make a lot of money writing. Especially for Medium..
Here’s an offer for you to consider.
I have written more than twenty-five books and five hundred articles.
If you want to make money writing, I will be glad to show you the ropes and work with you until you have some good stories. I will publish them on my Medium publication. We can work by email or phone, or both.
No charge.
I’ll furnish you with a short PDF of my system, and you’ll do the stuff on the list. I guarantee you will become a published writer. You can take a week or two or more if you want- I don’t care.
What’s in it for me?
You (hopefully) will join Medium with my link, and I’ll make a couple of bucks a month.
You will also be published in my magazine where all your friends and followers will find and read your stuff.
Email me here, and we’ll set it up. This offer won’t be available forever.
ps. This is no quick link to some YouTube videos and calling them a “course.” I will work with you one to one. I promise I will publish your work on Medium in my own publication, no shopping around, submitting, waiting, and wondering ’til published.