The following is what I have discovered about how to make money as a writer. No theory. Just the real deal.Find the Writer in You, Get It Out, and Get It Paid. Subscribe here!
First, let me try to talk you out of this.
And don’t feel like I just don’t want another writer in the world competing against me. I don’t mind the competition if you don’t mind the discouragement.
There used to be a television program I watched every week. Tried to never miss. I spy.
It was about Robert Culp and Bill Cosby who traveled the world pretending to be professional tennis players when they were actually professional spies.
The show’s beginning always showed a horizontal split-screen with their eyes on the top half, looking over a “fence” down on the action, often in the most beautiful countryside of sunny Turkey. I loved it. I wanted to be them.
I never once thought what a pain it was to be a tennis player. Or what a pain it was to be a spy. I wanted to be them.