One thing I would suggest right out of the gate is for you to consider circling back to this or any article on this website to see what has been added during the day.
They are sometimes not perfect from the start..
My completion anxiety occasionally causes me to revisit my stories again and again to edit or enhance them.
What’s all this about walkers?
As I promised yesterday, here’s a quick thought about walking aids.
I had a medical event that left me with a lessened ability to perambulate.
I am aware that some of my readers are young and vital, and asking themselves, “who cares?” I, myself am a YV, or was one until my immune system’s Armageddon, at which point I needed a bit of help.
Others of my readers are longer in the tooth, and may use walkers on a frequent basis.
But for whatever it’s worth. here are two discoveries I made within my first couple of weeks, and I am ashamed to say I didn’t realize them immediately. I can be dense sometimes.
Walk with your walker, don’t plow with it. Some people hold it out in front of themselves and shuffle along behind it. If you walk INSIDE the walker, you will be more upright (knees less bent) and can take at least two comfortable paces before advancing the apparatus. You will also be pushing DOWN with your weight for support.
Secure a camera bag or some inconspicuous container to the front. Unless you have more hands than I do, you will need some where to put the newspapers while you go to make your delivery route. Do not clip your Rolex to your walker, especially if you have to leave it outside the restroom.
And for those of you who may be concerned about my health, I assure you my chiseled good looks and rapier-like wit are still intact!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST — Follow him at