Here's the Combination to Aunt Jane's Safe
But get a pencil, cause it's FOUR NUMBERS!
This is how I used to look at life a couple of months ago before my writing fell almost to zero.
Here, with no regrets, is the perfect/current publication schedule:
Recaps/Updates/ancillary topics anything I want, or possibly nothing on Saturdays.
Bulletins on Sundays, or at odd and irregular times. Possibly nothing at all on Sundays, too.
Make-up Work Monday published Mondays (For peeps who did absolutely no quality reading over the weekend)
Newsletters for the Shy (previously called Faux Newsletters) published Tuesdays (For peeps who are too shy to subscribe to the delivery.)
Hump Day Humor some Wednesdays, if I feel like it.
Newsletters for the Bold mailed out Thursdays. (E-mailed to subscribers)
Faux-News Fridays published Fridays AM, “Deep News — So Deep, You Could Get the Bends Just Skimming the Headlines.” available only by extra-content subscription with Newsletters for the Bold.
Struggle Bus on Fridays. PM (Self-explanatory, part of the long-running weekly series.) Put on your Empathy Hat, It’s BACK!
Update/recaps again (maybe) on Saturdays. (Whew)
Short promos whenever we know ANYTHING far enough in advance.
As of this printing many, if not most of these will be subject to occasional absence.
It’s not easy being a WRITER|HUMORIST.
But this is now. Today.
My sense of humor is a lazy one. I like regular features. like book series. Hardy Boys Humor. Boxcar Children Chuckles. Zane Grey Zingers.
But more and more I discovered that readers of Medium don’t really care for newsletters or updates. They don’t seem to enjoy Hump Day Humor or Friday Struggle-Busses.
They do seem to like a good, meaty article on how to get in somewhere, make a quick buck/solve their problem, and get out.
They lean towards a story such as…
This Is The Combination To Aunt Jane’s Safe
But get a pencil. ‘cause it’s FOUR NUMBERS!
I mean no disrespect, I just study my stats.
This is what I see.
Two things have caused a perfect storm in my writing presently.
One is a story I read in
by helping me see why I beat myself up with my stats. You need to read that article!The other was the loss of a couple of close friends combined with some scary medical complications of my own. The two of them made me wonder what I am doing. Why do I spend time writing things for ratings, rather than for my own enjoyment?
A good humorist makes a pun and, having punned, moves on. Whether anyone besides him appreciates it.
A poor humorist is the one who always asks if you get it, explains the pun to you, and watches you until you laugh.
As a result of this deeper level of thought, I may begin to abandon some regular features in favor of simple journal entries. I expect to be a lot more relaxed in the near future, as I return from the edge of the universe.
At the risk of sounding sycophantic, I - again - say, your mastery of the contemporary argot is incomparable. I appreciate your effort, laud it. Quite interesting read. Multi-layered and enjoyable at every increment up and down.
Well done.
That thump we just heard was the superior quality of wordsmithing seen here breaking the sound barrier! Very readable, smooth. Bookmarked. Thanks.