It was a good run.
Is this just another whiney story about the “end days,” where to go now, or how to be sure all your writing is saved?
It’s not about AI-written stories, bitcoins, coding, or social awareness, so know, in advance, that if you read this story, it may help my 423 stats totals.
It’s not even written by a professional in the field.
This tale is more about spending a few hours on last Wednesday’s regular piece and having it get looked at three times all week. Or other regular pieces on a Tuesday or a Friday that get even fewer views.
Point one- I know I am an imposter and I’m nowhere as good as I think I am. I am so humbled by the two or three that enjoy reading my stuff.
Point two- return on investment. My dad always told me that a good general knows when to cut his losses. My time spent enjoying writing on Medium may be just hemorrhaging blood.
Perhaps some of our friends and cowriters are better in their perspective. Maybe we should now write where we find the most eyeballs and use the other platforms primarily to direct even more eyeballs our way, and not to earn money directly. Like SEO.
Thanks for reading!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He is a WRITER|CREATOR|HUMORIST — based in Nashville, enjoying and reporting the absurd on his website daily, and sent in a weekly newsletter to your inbox. — Follow him at TWITTER or his HOME.
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