HAPPY EASTER! Let's disprove the theory that Indy Writers can work ANYWHERE.
I was out of town with my family for Easter, and I didn't hit a lick!
Don Martin, Real-Life Writer, is an email newsletter & blog exploring down-to-earth writing. Most installments are free, some for paid subscribers only. Sign up here:
It’s Monday already, and here I am, trying to flesh out one of the first of our early email newsletters. I am happy with it so far, but I’m sure I still have far to go.
But for yesterday, there were church services to attend, then miles to be driven, a wonderful meal to be eaten, and beautiful children and grandchildren to be played with.
Sleep ultimately found me at the end of my day, and showed me no grace period whatsoever.
As I said previously, I am trying to do more writing and more reading.
And I have been reading of writers who, having written only short periods, have discovered some secret sauce procedures that provide them with six-figure incomes and more.
It is SO tempting to follow and read or purchase copies of the plan they used.
Oddly enough, I feel that this may even be a good thing. I never tell you that overnight success is a quick and easy process, and I know that sometimes, new writers may not completely believe me until they are burned by a disproven belief or worse, some poorly spent money.
So go ahead and jump on their bandwagons. When you get through, I’ll still be here with writing tips that are grounded in reality, rather than theory.
I am proud to tell you that our followers and subscribers are growing. Thank you! Please keep it up. This is a platform that is not controlled by politics or algorithms, not apt to disappear, controlled only by you and me.
Don’t forget to check the home website for more important stuff.
Thanks for reading!
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Photo by Matteo Grando on Unsplash