This is just a quick heads-up between you and me. I won’t publish it on Medium.
I know I do considerable amounts of writing for
You know, it’s a literary website where people who like to write find an audience with people who love to read. And it is fun for those of us who write because we can see how many people look at our stuff, and how many actually read it.
That is great, but here’s my problem.
I like to do things that are measurable.
So I can measure them.
As in if I talk to x number of people, I will make y number of sales. I can make goals and projections based on my efforts.
On Medium, I have a fairly significant number of followers, but that does not always translate into a certain number of reads, because everyone who follows me has the opportunity to read a new story by me but they don’t necessarily do that.
Since I fell in love with Medium two years ago, I have worked pretty consistently at producing 937 articles, even through some medical issues and hospitalization.
Even though I have a few thousand followers on Medium, sometimes when I write a new article, it struggles to get a handful of reads. Granted there are some writers there who say they make a good amount of money there, but I do not do that well yet.
I know the secret is consistency, which is why I keep at it, but probably the true secret, in addition to consistency is predictability, as I was talking about earlier.
In other words, having one’s own mailing list of readers is infinitely better, so a writer can better stay in touch with his readers and they can see new writings without involving luck.
Of course the entire problem could be that people enjoy one of my articles and “follow” me until they read a second one, then, rather than hurt my feelings, they don’t “unfollow” me, but rather start to ignore me in droves.
In any event, I an trying to concentrate more on my own mailing list. I do have a couple of dozen books on Amazon and some more eBooks that are available, but not through Amazon. I have gotten busy this week and updated a couple of them, put fresh covers on some, and completed one I have been working on for Amazon.
I have been learning about something called “perma-free” on Amazon as a sales tool, and I have put some work into my websites. And now, it’s the weekend.
For now, let’s just keep this between us, because I love writing for Medium, and it’s the source of a lot of my readers. I don’t want to make them mad at me.
So if you are reading this site because you want to be a writer, start writing in the beginning for Medium and then move to self-publishing. I’ll be writing more on that process.
Please let me know if any of you are thinking about writing.
(And I’m sorry I missed yesterday’s update of this, my day-to-day frivolity.)
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Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. Click HERE, and have his new stories emailed directly to you, instead of having to beat the bushes for them.
⭐Don enjoys encouraging and helping new writers at Real-Life Writer. He writes on other topics, too, though. If you enjoyed this story, there are more of them there. Questions, comments, and carping criticisms may be directed to
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Nice article, I started in Medium last year and Substack a few weeks ago, I can be a little freer on what I write on Substack though I do like, and I think people do like what I write on Medium. Have a good one Don.