FWY - Fastest Way to Start Making Money Writing
Even if You’re an Absolute Newbie!
I come from a long line of struggling. Royal and Smith Corona typewriter struggling. Maybe not the cave-wall writing sort of struggling, but a long way nonetheless.
I struggled through school and before me, my mom struggled through graduate work, and eventually creative writing.
I’ve seen the pain of rejection slips. I’ve seen decades of trying to figure out how to write successfully and even profitably.
It was not pretty.
But some of us don’t have enough sense to give up.
Finally, my tenacity is beginning to pay off. I am now making money on my writing. More and more. Not to boast, but to say that, once the process starts, it seems it will continue to gain momentum almost on its own.
Here, we are going to be discussing some of those processes, and help our members with a leg-up on some of what I have discovered over the years. Joining the rough crowd gives you a publication for your stories, too.
So if this is what you need, grab this free booklet, and let’s get going. We will start this publication with different platforms and assignments, so follow the Rough Crowd.