FaceBook, it was fun!
The official end of humor.
Last week, in this age of lightning-fast programs and apps, we discovered that China had apparently put into quasi-orbit a slow balloon to drift over our country.
We collectively dithered about it all week, and, of course, were quite incensed. Then we removed it from our national worry with a missile fired from a fighter jet.
Right now, Tom Cruise and his Maverick II are hot at the box office, and I, being a moderate Facebook user, and a raving humor consumer, saw a photo of a fighter jet, on which someone had photo-shopped a “kill symbol” of a balloon on the side. I thought it was a hoot, and as I usually do, I shared it on my Facebook page.
It was not such a hoot to everyone, I guess, as I, this morning, received a warning that this photo had failed before their independent fact-checkers.
I guess this marks the end of my lukewarm love with Facebook, and am working on a plan to share any future goodies here instead of there
Here is the first culprit.
I am sorry if you, too, have lost your sense of humor, and this offends you.
If that is, indeed the case, you don’t belong reading stuff by Don Martin.
“Your post has the same altered photo as a post checked by independent fact-checkers.”
And then I was warned of the possible consequences of continuing such untruthful behavior.
If I still post a picture of my peeps on Facebook from time to time, I hope won’t get in trouble.
More soon, please check back.
And in three days we will have…
What’s bumming me out today?
I understand John and Paul called some of the Beatles songs “work” songs, because they and George Martin knew they would be good selling moneymakers.
I guess, at the same time, they had some they called “fun” songs that they enjoyed playing or recording, but didn’t expect to make much money.
What bums me out some, is that I started writing to have fun, and now, in addition, I would like to make a bit of money as well.
However, it seems every way I turn there are problems.
Medium is great, and they pay OK, but primarily I discover they mostly like stories about health, wealth, writing, and love stories. Humor is not as high on their list as it is on mine.
Therefore my stories for Medium (my work stories) will conform more and primarily be found in the Stories tab, sometimes with free continuation links
I will try to make them generally longer and more serious pieces of journalism.
My back pages tab will have other non-work stories.
Twitter may have many eyes on it, but there is a massive fraction of those eyes that sometimes seem to be overly sensitive, shall I say.
Facebook, as I showed above, has become so concerned with policing our public opinions and sensibilities, that they don’t seem to be a place to cut up anymore. I and I do live to cut up.
So, I am bummed out that in this land of “give me liberty or give me death,” some of our free speech has become shackled, or at least, so incorrect, and therefore hated, that there are few places left where a modest/prudish, yet semi-unfiltered guy like me can crack a joke, however non-offensive it may be.
Substack, the clear winner
Here I am a Substack where we can have our own place and not be subject to the whims of algorithms and editors so afraid of not having a spotlessly perfect appearance.
Last requests for now.
By some miracle, it seems I have around 3000 in my Facebook family (maybe 6 or 7 thousand, counting FB friends or followers on other FB pages I have,) 3500 in my Twitter family, and 2500 in my Medium family.
If only half of you would join me here it would be a massive amount of us who are not bound by a handful of peeps or an electronic program.
I am trying to do a lot and I sure would love to count on you guys.
If you join us, you can come here to this site, read new stuff almost daily, and get a recap on Tuesdays and Fridays sent to your inbox, no sweat, no URL to remember or bookmark.
One more ask to ask… please share this with a friend.
Thank you for now.