A Saturday lunch to keep big-time writers going all day!
Today’s chef corner is a big “get ready for fall” and “Alabama vs U.T.” gameday treat! It’s a variation of our last one.
Don’s Nachos
I start with a bag of store-brand nacho chips and sprinkle some finely shredded cheese on each one.
I top each of these little guys with a dollop of sour cream, followed by a drizzle of generic salsa.
Ultimately I top them all with more cheese, and they are ready to report for duty.
Of course, the secret to any successful recipe is presentation, having plated this popular treat on an attractive, yet practical dish that also boasts of being low maintenance.
The biggest v2.0 change is to insert a new second line of the directions.
It needs to read as follows:
Sprinkle them all with garlic salt to your liking. (Small bits of pepper, from a jar, pickled and not too hot, sliced into very small pieces, one piece per nacho, may be added now if you are the type to live on the edge.) Heat in microwave for 20 seconds or so until cheese is melty.
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He is a WRITER|CREATOR|HUMORIST — based in Nashville, enjoying and reporting the absurd on his website daily, and sent in a weekly newsletter to your inbox. Don@DonMartinBooks.com — Follow at twitter.com/DonMartinBooks.
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