Dancin' On The Tin
BTW to go.
Here I am in my home/Big-Time Writer studio. (Photo by neil kelly: https://www.pexels.com) And yes, I do sleep like a baby… as long as the possums aint dancin’ on the tin.
But they don’t dance all night anyway.
What I don’t worry about.
You know what else I don’t worry about as a big-time writer?
I don’t worry about no rent-man knocking on my door on Sunday morning.
I don’t worry about no neighbors complaining ‘bout my stereo.
I don’t worry if I left my keys in my car.
What I do worry about.
What if my short story actually has 151 words.
What if I don’t have 100 followers by next fall?
What if perky li’l’ whats’er name talks about me like a dog in a YouTube video, and suddenly, no big pubs will touch my stories?
If I get the covert, who’s gonna feed my polo ponies?
Life can be a struggle.
Maybe it’s not always a Hallmark movie.
But the way I see it, it’s the next best thing!
Tune in later when we discover on Writer-Man, that, while he pedaled down to the Kwik-Sak for a pack of Luckies, some “punk-*ss kid” lit a couple of Sunday papers under his studio, melted the Astro-Turf some, and left a stink even Ajax wouldn’t remove.
Worrying is overrated anyway. I always enjoy your stories.
Great story Don :)