Captain Morgan and a pack of Luckies Go into this Bar…
They sit down next to Writer-Man
You know how it is when you step out of the bright morning sunshine and into a very dark bar?
You have to blink a lot and stand still, until you get accustomed to the change in light. No sense in tripping over the guy sleeping through an argument he doesn’t even realize he’s a part of. With another guy who doesn’t even realize he’s not.
Well that’s a lot like Writer-Man felt when he first stepped into Medium.
It was a lot, all of a sudden.
And it smelled as though maybe someone had wet himself.
At any rate, they were all three sitting there, trading lies, when they decided to have a contest as to which one would make out the best at Medium.
Well, as it turned out, Captain Morgan couldn’t stay focused, and the pack of Luckies burned out pretty quickly, but Writer-Man kept at it and became the super-hero we know him as today, even though he did still smell faintly of melted Astro-Turf.
Thanks for reading!
p.s. If we link two Medium stories together, back and forth, but with one of the links written backwards, would it then become a mobius strip story with only one margin and a front only? Interesting…
A real estate broker for the last 38 years, Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST — Follow and obey him at 1) Get all of Don’s stories right in your mailbox. (Often Medium notifies less than 1% of my followers about my new stories.) 2 ) Join Don’s “Back Pages,” a quick bit of weekly personal, insider-type thoughts. — He has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, and dozens unsubscribe!
Don is also the editor of two Medium publications, Writers & Storytellers, and DIY Real Estate.