Bullies Used to Kick Sand in My Face
Because I was illiterate, and couldn’t string two sentences together.
Because I was illiterate, and couldn’t string two sentences together.
Then I heard about the Charles (Peavine) Atlas correspondence courses for writer wannabees.
He is about to offer a series of 30-day challenges to teach, mentor, and offer everyday accountability for new writers.
Imagine a down-home guy like Peavine not only showing me what to do but working with me every day to make sure I do it.
I’m really kind of jazzed about it. He can only work with a handful of people at this intense level, and I’m in line. I can’t wait.
You will hear more about this offer soon. And don't rub your eyes until you get the sand out.
For now, thank you for your time. (my profile — Twitter)
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