Good Wednesday, my friends!
My website is doing better, however. has been my home base for many years.
Now, this Substack will be my “go-to” fun and writing blog. I hope to continue writing stories on Medium, with the start to them here, and a free link to finish them over on Medium. Please enjoy, and please subscribe so we can build our numbers.
I intend to be all over the place, subject-wise. I will talk a bit more about writing, especially writing for money, here and there. We are still free, with an option to pay, if you’d like, but I do encourage you to follow my free links over to Medium, as the extra reads may also help me make a buck or two.
I will keep this site free for readers now, and there is an option for any reader to be a paid subscriber, and join in the Guild of new writers studying the art. We will post stories as much as people can stand, but this email newsletter will be emailed to subscribers on Mondays, but the rest of the site is open 24-7.
We have put a lot of thought and work into this decision, so I hope you agree and enjoy.
Thank you for being a subscriber. Spread the word if you would. Friends don’t let friends live unsubscribed.
I’ve finished some Kindle books and some eBooks, and will be making them free to anyone who would like to be an advanced beta reader.
This may be one of the first tests for our city’s new “nightlife czar.”
Morgan Wallen, a newer Nashville singer, was playing a rooftop bar downtown a couple of nights ago, when he evidently got caught up in the party mood, and threw a chair or stool overboard, out of the venue.
It so happens that the venue was six stories above the city sidewalk in front of the bar, and the chair fell close to two policemen who were patrolling the area, but not really looking up.
Police are currently on the lookout for the nightlife czar to arrest him.
Wallen is to receive a CMA award for this latest hit.
This is where we will try to deal with many of these interesting issues.
Almost EVERYBODY wants to make some more money without taking on a second job.
Now I write every day. Usually short pieces. Some for publication. Some to be part of a larger book.
But at any rate, I’m here and you’re here, and I thank you.
This publication, as I said, is being completed, tweaked, and perfected as we go. Such is my style, so any help or suggestions will be great!
Part of the purpose behind this Substack is to allow me to write and publish daily to give my writing that OUTLIERS (Amazon link) advantage to become better. Like practicing the piano. you can read the stories here, or when they’re mailed to you.
This psunami of pstupidity is a newsletter about three things.
It is about my writing for those people who enjoy my writing. You are a blessing to me. Some would like to know a little more about a writer’s life. I have augmented my income from the sale of my books and some from writing for when people join. I do have some digital products available, and I am working on this Substack, It will increase my exposure and someday make me some money. Besides I get to share the random stuff I stumble across in my brain.
Folks often ask for pointers on how they might do the same, so helping them is part of what this publication is all about. I will chronicle my progress and help others do the same. I may be only a couple of years ahead of a lot of my readers, but we’ll take this trip together. As I worked the last forty years, I never realized that life could be like this. It’s great now, however!
For those who wish to learn from my rough crowd in order to make money, it will be available on an upgrade basis.
We will examine writing to get paid from a couple of different places, writing books, having a blog, or a newsletter like this one, and maybe making a video or e-course. These projects are, together, how I get paid for, and how people support my creativity.
Part of this report will concern building the number of subscribers to this publication. It is free, of course, but, as the numbers grow, there may be some ways it can help support me.
I have not gone out seeking new subscribers until now.
My current goal is 500 subscribers.
And of course, writing, for me, is best begun early, like now.
I am nothing if not a creature of habit. I find if I don’t create good habits, the bad ones will create themselves.
So I start writing early each day.
It’s difficult on days when I am not here by myself for one reason or another, like the grands sleeping over, but, for the most part, it works.
Right now I’m writing a book, publishing a chapter each day on Medium. Then I’ll put it all together for Amazon. Details soon.
The Ten-Minute Book - Kindle edition by Martin, Don. Self-Help Kindle
Thinking Newsletter? Don’t Do What I Did.
Remember, this newsletter is free to readers! If you ever wish, I believe there is a place at the bottom where you can buy me a cup of coffee.
NOW, THAT will support the arts!
Or if you are wanting to be a writer, and make money at it, you can upgrade your subscription and join the Guild, too.
P.S. It’s a huge relief to have finally come to conclusions about this newsletter. Now we can proceed with simply producing it.
p.p.s. Please check out a couple of new front-page links on the right side. Here’s where it looks as though we are moving…
All you guys who just like me, want to read my writing, and want to hear about upcoming books, maybe be a beta-reader, just stay with the free daily journals.
If you wish to learn about making money writing, then upgrade your subscription and join the Rough Crowd Writer’s Guild. Let me know any stuff I need to correct before next week’s issue!
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