C'mon people now, let's get together
Good Monday, friends!
I’m your host, the lonesome analog cowboy surfer-dude, at the digital rodeo.
The RCWG is an area where we welcome newbies and novices to the writing racket, and help them get a little more polished and successful through a 12-day challenge/course.
I’ll have more details on it soon, like when the next sessions start, etc.
This blog post will be under construction until about lunchtime, so if you had a read early, it may have changed by the afternoon.
Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash
I’m your host, the lonesome analog cowboy surfer-dude, at the digital rodeo.
This psunami of pstupidity is a newsletter about three things.
1. It is about my writing for those people who enjoy my writing. You are a blessing to me. Some would like to know a little more about a writer’s life. I have augmented my income from the sale of my books and some from writing for when people join. I do have some digital products available, and I am working on this Substack, It will increase my exposure and someday make me some money. Besides I get to share the random stuff I stumble across in my brain.
2. Folks often ask for pointers on how they might do the same, so helping them is part of what this publication is all about. I will chronicle my progress and help others do the same. I may be only a couple of years ahead of a lot of my readers, but we’ll take this trip together. As I worked the last forty years, I never realized that life could be like this. It’s great now, however!
We will examine writing to get paid from a couple of different places, writing books, having a blog, or a newsletter like this one, and maybe making a video or e-course. These projects are, together, how I get paid for, and how people support my creativity.
3. Part of this report will concern building the number of subscribers to this publication. It is free, of course, but, as the numbers grow, there may be some ways it can help support me.
I have not gone out seeking new subscribers until now. We have 17,760 followers now on some of our other platforms, but we need more subscribers here!
My next goal is 500 new subscribers.
This letter is all free now, with a tip jar if you ever get all carried away. in which case I thank you. very much!
is ready at the pick-up window!
As I mentioned, I went back to an old website of mine, that I had ignored for a while, only to find that the number of views had grown tremendously while I was busy elsewhere.
Then I joined an advertising group called Ezoic, and had my growth accelerated even more!
Then I tried to clean up and speed up my website by purchasing, downloading, and installing a new website theme. It was going great and looking good for a while until it wasn’t. That site then froze up.
Another day, I was spent on the phone with my website host trying to get it repaired, and after another day, it quit working again.
This process, I’m afraid, needed some work on my part that was way over my head, even though I have been making and using websites for twenty years.
So, I have decided that, for now, I will work on an easier platform as here, in Substack. The minus side is that it is not as involved with SEO as the website, but the plus side is that it’s not as involved with SEO as the website.
A couple about “not bringing me down” - old and older.