Back Pages Journal
Friday the 13th
Today is the first day of the rest of my week.
I awoke this morning with a fair amount of pain in my feet. I did not take my usual two arthritis-strength acetaminophens last night. my restless legs syndrome reminded me of the scene in Dr. Strangelove, where he was trying to prevent his own hand from strangling him.
Except with my feet.
And this morning I get to start a new prescription for my MS. When they arranged a Brinks truck to deliver it to me, I was fairly certain it was not cheap.
The instructions were to crush it up, put it in a spoon and hold it over a candle.
I’m sorry, those were the wrong instructions. Another Haight-Ashbury flashback.
My actual instructions were to buckle up, take one caplet and get ready for improved coordination and upper body strength. Well, look out Dell laptop, I’ve got deadlines to meet!
I’ll be back after I work a while. I know- weird format.
It’s after 3, and I have worked all day, so far.
I worked on a couple of real estate listings. I did eat lunch, a wonderful pimento cheese sandwich my darlin’ made for me before she left this morning. She is always great to me!
As far as my customers go, I’m pretty sure some of them are gaslighting me when they decide to wear me out about something I actually did complete correctly for them just as promised.
I then have to operate on the theory that my top job is to let them preserve their dignity. I can’t hop to my feet and call them a liar. I have to say instead, that what I meant to say was whatever I actually did say, and I must have goofed up.
That’s usually all they need to hear, to say yea you’re right. It was ok.
Dignity intact.
I worked on for a short period today.
And I did work my first hour on a journal entry for today, that you are reading here, but it isn’t finished enough to publish in Medium. And, by the way, “cattle-spit” is actually now a tagged topic for writing in Medium.
It’s still Friday the 13th.