Back Pages Journal
Including the Director of Night-Life, and Schedules
Director of Night-Life
In Nashville, downtown on Broad, at any given time, half the people there are there to work, half are there to party, and half live there and just want some sleep.
And we all operate under the theory of “Not in My Yard!”
Nashville has a problem with street vendor overrun, drugs, violence, drunks, panhandlers, homeless folks, and party buses full of bridal showers.
In addition to that, the peeps who were trendy enough to move downtown to lofts and apartments over the bars knew in advance the noise was there. But the crime, the panhandlers, and the homeless have gotten a good bit worse.
Our mayor and city council have had dozens of meetings to no avail. Our wonderful police department has found its hands to be tied in some areas.
Consequently, in our supreme problem-solving stance, the superheroes of the capital have discovered a solution even better than the much-adored domed stadium solution.
We have, at last, formed an office and appointed a Director of Nightlife.
Hand-picked from our city council, this unelected new layer of bureaucracy will help unravel the overly complicated web of unenforceable laws we, ourselves, have constructed. This office can also assist our citizens with lost airport baggage, Taylor Swift tickets, and street racing trophies.
We intend to construct a new department concerning the office of street life, as well.
Wrestling with Schedules
Writing, articles, and essays news
I am trying to have 3 writing communications.
1)A reader can click the envelope symbol and Medium will send a message each time I publish a story.
2)A reader can subscribe to my Substack newsletter/website and see links to the stories I publish on medium, as well as other items I write that may accompany, expand on, or explain those stories, or they may be about nothing related at all.
3)I offer private, personal, non-automated, non-commercial notes to act as a line of occasional communication between us. These will use Gmail, and not a subscription software.
Real estate updates
1)I am trying to offer a private email list Quarterly, for my friends and customers back to the dawn of creation.
2)I send a weekly note to all my active and pending customers.
Promotional or prospects lists in both of the above two categories will probably be weekly and totally separate from the others.
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer!
If you enjoy reading my stories, please consider… 1)click the envelope symbol to get them delivered to your inbox. Following me only gets you a tiny percentage of them. 2)subscribe to my stories & back pages Substack newsletter/website for deeper deets. and/or 3)subscribe to my private email list. I don’t use a mail chimp or constant contact software except for a landing and collection page… It’s personal. Social media comes and goes, but my friendship with you is not for sale even to Elon Musk.
Could you help me with some paint for my house?