Back Pages
Journal - What's the deal?
Good morning!
I know you are here of your own volition because it’s not a newsletter where I force you to admit that I exist by sending some of my writing by email to your inbox, your personal space.
Let me mention again how this works in theory.
I write here, on this website, almost daily. Some days I may start this journal in the morning and add to it during the day, so please feel free to do as you did today, and visit when you wish. Somedays there may not be a journal at all.
Sometimes the back pages may be more about a Medium story that didn’t get included with the story itself.
I will try to send you a newsletter on Mondays and Thursdays.
On any given weekday, when I publish a story on Medium, I will put the whole story or a free link to the entire story on Medium, in case you aren’t a paying member of Medium.
Of course, I would like a couple of things from you.
1. Keep reading, in fact, subscribe if you could. It’s free.
2. Tell a friend or two to see if they could subscribe.
3. Tell me what you would like to see, or like to see more of.