Here at medium, there are many writers of great experience and influence.
They are heroes to all especially to me.
Whenever I have questions about my learning curve, and I am trying to check with Dr. Google, I almost invariably run into the help I need from the same small group of writers.
I almost feel like I know them by now, and sometimes I do take the liberty of mentioning them in a story, giving them a shout-out from time to time in a fun way. I do this in complete adoration and admiration, but sometimes I worry I am overstepping my bounds, getting out of my lane, since they don't know me from any of their other thousands of fans.
This hasn’t happened yet, but I am hoping this is not like when I was new at my school and thought it would be smart to sit at the cool kids' table to meet them. I had to pretend to be cleaning the table for them in order to make it out alive.
There is a difference between sitting at the cool kids' lunch table and actually eating at the cool kids' lunch table.
Mrs. Ralph, the lunchroom manager, called me over that day and suggested I not get out in front of my skis for my own good.
So to all my much-valued associates, hello! I only mean to joke with you. Don't be angry with me, I'm just here to clean the lounge.
Thank you for your time.
P.S. If you liked this story, you could go HERE, leave your name, and I’d be happy to send you ALL my Medium stories whenever I publish them.